Who we are

In a sea of audiovisual content, our laser focus is on the royalties that accrue to the producers

AGICOA Europe Brussels is a collective management company that is incorporated as a Belgian cooperative company. It monitors the use of audiovisual works on cable or any other similar distribution means, collects the royalties due, and redistributes them to the entitled rightsholder.

It is entrusted with this management by the Ministerial Decree of 10 January 1996. In an ocean of content, AGICOA Europe Brussels is a compass that helps audiovisual producers and operators navigate a challenging legal environment. AGICOA Europe Brussels understands the rights and obligations of each stakeholder. Our laser focus is on the royalties that accrue to the audiovisual producers.

We ensure reliability, transparency, and efficiency in licensing audiovisual content to operators and collecting secondary rights royalties for producers.


Read our latests news and articles

Our latest articles about current matters relating to audiovisual rights, international regulations, and other news relevant to the field.


AGICOA Enhances Conflict Resolution: a Clear Path to Fair Outcomes

At AGICOA, we are committed to continuously refining our processes to ensure fairness, transparency, and efficiency for all rightsholders. Since the introduction of the AGICOA…

Collective management at a glance

How can rightsholders sign a contract with every single user of their work and ensure that royalties are paid?

Agicoa electronic apointment process news

New early electronic appointment process for the Administrative Board

In 2020, we introduced the possibility of holding General Assembly meetings in person, remotely or in hybrid format.

What we offer

Our expertise?
Secondary rights. Trust us

Secondary rights are the rights that the operators must acquire from the producers to distribute to the public the TV channels that include the producer’s audiovisual work. AGICOA Europe Brussels will conclude licenses with the operators and collect the royalties from them on behalf of the producers.

We follow your audiovisual works globally

AGICOA, its Alliance members and external partners track the retransmission of your works worldwide and collect royalties owed to you.

Fair payment to producers is a means to finance their next projects

AGICOA Europe Brussels believes that content producers need to be properly paid for the secondary use of their works from any entity generating revenues from this use.

Distribute audiovisual content securely and fairly

AGICOA helps operators to obtain the necessary authorizations from the producers for the use of their work, and provide them assurance they comply with their copyright obligations. It also helps them meet the standard requirements of royalties’ payment.

Ensure fairness and efficiency in the payment of royalties worldwide

With our legal expertise, global negotiating experience, and solid international and professional network, the operators obtain licenses that reflect fair and equal treatment.


The largest international Collective Management Organization for audiovisual producers globally

AGICOA represents more than 30 000 rightsholders worldwide. AGICOA is strictly neutral, operating and treating all rightsholders equally regardless of their nationality or commercial weight.

Our mission

AGICOA Europe Brussels is strictly neutral, operating and treating all rightsholders equally regardless of their nationality or commercial weight.

Our network

AGICOA Europe Brussels is a member of the AGICOA Alliance, which brings together a dozen Collective Management Organizations in key media markets that facilitate the professional handling of intellectual property rights. Based locally and close to their beneficiaries, they share AGICOA’s central services and have leverage negotiating power.


AGICOA Europe Brussels’ corporate bodies are the General Assembly (comprised of the shareholders , the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, the Managing Director, and the Auditor.